Self-Portrait - 2004,acrylic on canvas

Self-Portrait - 2004,acrylic on canvas



The map is not the terrain.

So, everything you’re about to read is, at some level, untrue. Certainly it’s wildly incomplete, leaving out things like relational history, spiritual journey (both massively important, but not good for a web site, at least not this one). But it’s a decent map, I hope.

A linear history

  • 1955: born in Texas to Glen and Florence.

  • 1955 - 1970: Air Force dependent, in case you’re wondering where I’m from. Many places.

  • 1960: Discovered the joys of piano and singing.

  • 1963-1975: Was a tournament archer, with my archery “career” culminating in a pretty successful Junior year shooting for the University of Arizona.

  • 1963: In the heart of the JFK administration, decided I wanted to be a politician.

  • 1970: Moved to Arizona, and fell in love with the Southwestern USA.

  • 1972-1979: College and law school at the University of Arizona, Tucson.

  • 1974: Discovered the joys of blues guitar.

  • 1979-1981: Practiced as a trial lawyer, Tucson.

  • 1981-1994: Worked in the world of public policy for a variety of public officials and organizations, Tucson, AZ, and Washington, DC.

  • 1988: Ran for public office. Got my ass kicked. Changed my mind about a career as a politician (see 1963, above).

  • 1989: Had a son, Julian.

  • 1992: Decided that I didn’t want to be an old lawyer and decided to return to school.

  • 1993: Had a son, Dustin.

  • 1994 - 2002: Worked for a few organizations in the world of healthcare, Washington, DC area.

  • 1995: Discovered the joys of painting.

  • 2004: Received a PhD in industrial-organizational psychology.

  • 2002 - present: CEO of Integral Healthcare Solutions (Virginia, Maryland, New York, Arizona).

  • 2010: Moved to Livingston Manor, NY.

  • 2016: Moved to Tucson.

Beyond the timeline - Love

At my core, I’m a student and devotee of Love.

As I look back across my life’s journey, now approaching two-thirds of a century long, the thread through the whole thing is a yearning to experience and contribute to Love.

I capitalize Love because I want to distinguish my use of the word from relational love, which is a part, but only a part, of what has animated me over these years.

  • As an eight-year-old on a field trip to the U.S. House of Representatives, sitting in that amazing chamber, I decided I wanted to do something in that world, because I had a vague sense that such people could do good things in a big way. Love.

  • As a member of my high school chorus, singing “Crucifixus” by Antonio Lotti at a statewide choral festival, I threw my heart into the second tenor part, tears streaming down my face. Love.

  • As a young blues guitarist, when I found the relationship between a bent guitar string and a sad and lonely heart, I dove completely into the blues. Love.

  • As a participant in a large group awareness training that amazed me in terms of its profound impact in the participants (including me), I decided I wanted some part of that kind of impact on the quality of people’s lives and changed the course of my professional career. Love.

  • As a trainee learning how to lead retreats at my home retreat center, I realized that what I was learning was not a collection of techniques, but instead was a way of throwing my entire being into loving another human. Love.

  • As a business owner, navigating the vicissitudes of fortune that all entrepreneurs face, studying all the philosophies and strategies designed to help me navigate those twists and turns in the road, I found one that trumped them all:


    I’ll close with this. I’m a student and devotee. Not an expert. I make no claims to how good a student I am.

    I’m just telling you where my focus is.

    I dedicate my life to studying and practicing the conscious evolution of my own capacity to love.